

/etc/mrouted.conf name LOCAL phyint em1 disable forward multicast sysctl.conf net.inet.ip.mforwarding=1 enable and start Service rcctl enable multicast rcctl start multicast rcctl enable mrouted rcctl start mrouted useful commands netstat -g map-mbone mrinfo mtrace Links Any Comments ? sha256: 8f43d20c9f3186346dfab5fb16a3de63b780d414c608ce12f0d096089fbf9642


DualStack & Prefix Delegation with OpenBSD OS: OpenBSD 6.5 Hint: wide-dhcpv6-20080615p9 was not working fine. So, i gave a try with dhcpcd Install Package pkg_add dhcpcd-7.1.1p4 Configure dhcpcd /etc/dhcpcd.conf ipv6only noipv6rs duid persistent option rapid_commit require dhcp_server_identifier # disable running any hooks; not typically required for simple DHCPv6-PD setup script "" # List interfaces explicitly so that dhcpcd doesn't touch others allowinterfaces em1 vlan108 vlan110 vlan112 interface em1 # the following two lines tell dhcpcd to do router solicitation # itself.


How to Install Netbox on Debian 10.1 URL: install postgresql apt-get install -y postgresql libpq-dev sudo pg_ctlcluster 11 main start create database # sudo -u postgres psql psql (9.4.5) Type "help" for help. postgres=# CREATE DATABASE netbox; CREATE DATABASE postgres=# CREATE USER netbox WITH PASSWORD 'streng-geheim-und-so'; CREATE ROLE postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE netbox TO netbox; GRANT postgres=# \q psql -U netbox -W -h localhost netbox streng-geheim-und-so netbox=> quit install application apt-get install -y python3 python3-pip python3-dev build-essential libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libffi-dev graphviz libpq-dev libssl-dev redis-server zlib1g-dev git install a release (we skip that) # wget https://github.


WireGuard Stuff, 2019-09-18 Resourcen Also Check my new Post about Wireguard on Current … Using wireguard on OpenBSD OpenBSD Router: VPN Wireguard Server Packages pkg_add wireguard-go \ wireguard-tools \ libqrencode Config & Enable WG rcctl enable wireguard_go rcctl set wireguard_go flags tun2 Prepare Environment mkdir -p /etc/wireguard/{keys,config} cd /etc/wireguard Generate Keys wg genkey | tee keys/server-private.key | wg pubkey > keys/server-public.key wg genkey | tee keys/client001-private.key | wg pubkey > keys/client001-public.